
"How long do you have to look around you before you see an advertisement, a brand name, an incentive to consume? Advertising and other commercial communications of all kinds are everywhere: it's a fact. We are constantly exposed to it. But at what point did we consent to it?

This daily invasion, beyond its immediate pain, is the manifestation of a predatory system for all, which sacrifices health, well-being, the environment and the general interest with the sole objective of encouraging desires and unbridled consumption. This system, many are those who can no longer stand it.

Skipping advertising is a way of saying that a paradigm shift is possible. That the current advertising system can evolve for the better. But that for this to happen, European political leaders must take the measure: this is the meaning of the We Skip Ads initiative."

We Skip Ads is an initiative by MEP mr David Cormand (The Greens), in May 2023.

About a fossil ad ban, the initiative says:

"While we have collectively accepted the reality of climate change and identified the causes of this upheaval, the promotion of energies that are responsible for it is no longer tenable.

  • European Parliament Hemicycle, Rue Wiertzstraat 60, Brussels, Brussels-Capital 1000, Belgium

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