T. Bouman, J.W. Bolderdijk, R.J. Renes, A.J. van der Wal, G. Paradies, S. Roeser, L. van de Grift, N. van Uffelen, G. de Vries, M.C. Onwezen, A.E.J. Wals, M.N.C. Aarts
A scientific panel of 12 prominent scientists advices the Dutch minister of Climate on the latter's request: "a ban on fossil ads is essential for the sustainable transition."
The report will be available in English any time soon. In the meantime, you can download the Dutch version 'Een verbod op fossiele reclame is essentieel, maar niet voldoende' and self-translate it in the language of preference, ie using Deepl.
Some quotes from the report:
About fossil ads, promoting non-sustainable consumption
"Fossil advertising ensures that:
(a) people's preference for non-sustainable products is increased;
(b) people consume non-sustainable products that they would not otherwise consume; and
(c) people will consume more;
While people often wrongly think that this is due to personal considerations and preferences instead of external influence."
About a ban on fossil ads, promoting sustainable norms and paving the way for climate policy
"By shifting social values and norms and making them more sustainable, a ban on fossil advertising can be an essential step towards a social tipping point within the sustainable transition. When people have a stronger feeling that sustainable behavior is widely supported and accepted, they are also more willing to publicly support and share sustainable behavior and choices, with which they can inspire others."
"In addition, a shift in social norms can pave the way for other policies that are necessary to change consumption patterns. (...) An advertising ban can therefore be a crucial stepping stone to initiate a process towards a sustainable social tipping point, whereby the “spiral of inaction” turns into a “spiral of action.”"
About fossil ads undermining climate policy
"We conclude that fossil advertising normalizes and promotes unsustainable behavior and discourages sustainable behavior, actively undermining current climate policy. Major government investments are needed to counteract the negative effect of fossil advertising. If fossil advertising is banned, these resources can be better deployed, for example to strengthen sustainable options and facilities such as public transport."
About the responsibility of the government to impose a ban on fossil ads
"It can be reasoned from ethics that people must be protected against unconscious and unwanted influences that encourage people to behave that harm personal and social goals. A central task of the government is to protect and serve the social interests and society. The government has a unique position (e.g. compared to companies and citizens) to shape climate policy and promote climate justice. Fossil advertising is at odds with this."
About the often proposed alternative for a ban (a warning on fossil ads)
"The scientists see no point in a warning on fossil advertising, and note that such a warning can even be counterproductive, for example by diffusing responsibilities (...) in which individuals rather than governments and companies are held responsible for climate change. Introducing warnings can therefore potentially even delay the introduction of more effective 'system-level' policies, such as a ban on fossil advertising."
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen