In Dutch parliament, the ban on fossil ads is on the table. This happened after actions and lobby of Reclame Fossielvrij.
- Dutch Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy is going to ask behavioural experts how a ban on fossil advertising can help change behaviour to meet climate targets. Minister Jetten made this commitment in a debate in the EZK committee in the House of Representatives on 15 February 2023. The minister promised to explicitly ask the question about the added value of a ban on fossil advertisements in subsequent rounds with behavioural experts. The minister will feedback to the House on this before the summer. The research came out in October 2023 and was done by 12 behavioural scientists. It states that a fossil ad ban is 'essential'. Find the report here.
- 6 political parties (GroenLinks, PvdA, D66, ChristenUnie, Party for the Animals and Volt) jointly tabled a motion to include fossil advertising in climate policy to achieve 60% emission reduction by 2030. The motion was rejected. (2022)
- A debate in the Climate & Energy Committee on 20 April. The exchange of letters between the minister and the Dutch Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (NJCM) on a ban on fossil advertising was on the agenda. (2022)
- Three parties in national parliament ask questions to the minister for climate about the harm of fossil ads. They request to research a ban on fossil ads. (2022)
- Six political parties (ChristenUnie, GroenLinks, PvdA, Partij voor de Dieren, BIJ1 and Volt Europe) adopted a ban on fossil fuel ads in their election program (March 2021).
For all questions and debates on fossil ads, see the website of the Dutch parliament.