Who: Moreland Council, Australia.
What: A motion to investigate how to ban fossil ads. The motion passed!
When: 13 July 2022
Victoria’s Moreland Council has cemented its status as a leader in sustainability by voting to explore a Fossil Ad Ban.
Passed motion
At its July meeting Council voted for a Notice of Motion titled ‘Banning of fossil fuel advertising on council-owned property’.
The motion stated: ‘… advertising can increase the demand for climate-damaging, high carbon products, therefore delaying climate action. Advertising by companies involved in the production of or supply of fossil fuels can also help these companies build and maintain a public-friendly brand, with many involved in greenwashing, which sees companies try to sell themselves as climate and environment-friendly by over-emphasizing any positive action they are taking and distracting public attention for their culpability for the climate emergency.’
Councillors voted that Council:
- Calls for a report on how Council can prohibit advertising on Council-owned property for companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels, and the impacts and implications of the proposal; and
- Receives the report at a future Council meeting.
Initiator Comms Declare
Comms Declare founder, Belinda Noble congratulated Moreland saying: “Moreland is a true leader in sustainability and has recognised that we must tackle the climate emergency from every angle. For a clean, renewable future, we must stop misinformation and greenwashing from polluting industries.”